About Us
Learn about Orange Hunt Elementary!
Our Mission
- As the Orange Hunt community, we commit to provide meaningful opportunities for our students to learn at the highest levels.
Als Orange Hunt Gemeinschaft verpflichten wir uns, unseren Schülern bedeutsame Möglichkeiten zu bieten, auf höchstem Niveau zu lernen.
Our Vision
- All students will be empowered to be independent problem solvers, critical and creative thinkers, and empathetic members of our community.
Alle Schüler werden befähigt, unabhängige Problemlöser, kritische und kreative Denker und einfühlsame Mitglieder unserer Gemeinschaft zu sein.
FCPS School Profile
Boundary Locator
Orange Hunt ES Staff
Administrative Team
What's for Breakfast Today?
What's for Lunch Today?
School Payments Made Easy
From the cafeteria to the classroom, pay anytime, anywhere from your computer or smartphone.