

Bus service is provided for students who live more than one mile from school or where walking is hazardous. Schedules for bus riders are mailed to students prior to the first day of school. Students are expected to cooperate with safety patrols and bus drivers, behave in an orderly manner, obey safety rules, remain seated and talk quietly after boarding the bus. Students who persist in disruptive behavior can be denied temporarily (or permanently in extreme cases) the privilege of riding the bus.

Kiss and Ride

Morning: 8:20 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. (Students should be in their classroom when school begins at 8:45 a.m.)

  • Students may enter the building at Door 8 at 8:20 a.m. Students buying breakfast may proceed directly to the cafeteria; all other students will proceed to the gymnasium until the 8:30 a.m. bell.
  • Drop off your child using the official the Kiss and Ride traffic pattern. Do not drop child off on Sydenstricker Road or other areas around the school/neighborhood.
  • Pull your car forward as far as possible in the line.
  • Make sure that your child exits your car only on the building side.
  • Do not pass other cars in line.
  • The bus access lane in front of the school should not be used.
  • Clearly display your Kiss and Ride number on the dashboard or visor.
  • If you arrive after 8:45 a.m. please park your car and walk your child into the building.

Afternoon: 3:30 p.m.

  • Students exit the building at Door 8.
  • Pick up your child using the official Kiss and Ride traffic pattern.
  • Pull your car forward as far as possible in the line.
  • Make sure your child enters your car only from the building side.
  • Do not pass other cars in line.
  • The bus access lane in front of the school should not be used.
  • Clearly display your Kiss and Ride number on the dashboard or visor.
  • Remaining students after others are picked up are taken into the front office and parent is called for pickup.


Students who walk to school should be reminded to follow safety rules. Prescribed routes which are monitored by safety patrols should be taken. Students should walk on sidewalks, avoiding neighborhood yards.

Bus Delay Notification System

This system provides parents with timely notification of late bus route information.  Parents may access the system at the link below or use the FCPS Mobile App to receive the delayed bus report. Morning route information will be available until noon. The afternoon route information will be available from 1-5 p.m.  

Have questions or concerns regarding transportation?  Contact our principal, Karen Tuttle, at @email or call Area IV Transportation at 703-249-7100. For any concerns after hourscontact Safety and Security at 571-423-2000">571-423-2000.

FCPS School Bus Delays

FCPS Transportation Services