Fourth Grade Supply List 24-25
(1) Pencil box/case
(2 pack of 24) Pre-sharpened Pencils
(4) Glue Sticks
(2 packs) Sticky-notes
(1 pack of 4) Dry-erase markers (fine tip)
(1 pair) Scissors
(1 pack of 100) Loose leaf wide-ruled paper
(1 pack of at least 12) Colored pencils
(1 pack) Graph Paper ½ inch
(1 set) Headphones *no bluetooth* (stays at school)
(2) highlighters
(1 pack) Pencil Top Erasers or block eraser
(1 box) Tissue / Kleenex
(1 large container) Clorox Wipes
(5) two pocket folders (no prongs)
(5) composition Notebooks (wide ruled)
1 Red pocket folder (for German Specials)
1 old ADULT t-shirt for art smock (labeled with your child’s name)
* 4th grade teachers would appreciate donations of the following items:
- paper towels
- zip lock bags of various sizes
- index cards